The safety of the travelling public, as well as those visiting and working at Winnipeg Richardson International Airport continues to be our top priority as we monitor the state of COVID-19 both locally and globally.
With the first cases of the novel coronavirus confirmed in Manitoba, we are continuing to closely follow advisories from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure our responses align with required standards. Based on advisories from PHAC, the risk remains low in Canada but preventative measures and planning efforts are being implemented in Canadian airports to protect our communities.
Our direction and preventative measures are being guided by professional health authorities in collaboration with our industry partners and government bodies. We are following the necessary protocols and procedures at this time based on our response plan and the current level of risk to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Canada and across the globe.
Additional safety measures have been implemented at 10 Canadian airports, including Winnipeg Richardson International Airport, to help raise awareness and identify potential risk related to COVID-19.
The measures being carried at Winnipeg Richardson International Airport include:
- Adding awareness signage inside the terminal to inform travellers about preventative measures, symptoms, health advice and contact information.
- Increasing the number of hand-sanitizer stations available throughout the terminal and in airport work environments to support proper hygiene.
- Securing materials and safety equipment as suggested by PHAC and managing cleaning practices and solutions to meet the requirements for prevention, including prioritizing high touch areas in the terminal.
- Distributing information in multiple languages at screening areas to ensure all travellers returning to the country monitor their health for fever, cough and difficulty breathing.
- Providing supplementary information to travellers returning from destinations with travel notices outlining their obligations for follow-up procedures.
- Asking additional screening questions to carry out best practices based on individual travel plans/journeys.
A comprehensive response plan is in place at Winnipeg Richardson International Airport to limit exposure risks and implement measures as they relate to Canadian airports and our community. We encourage anyone visiting the airport to be informed on COVID-19 preventative measures and procedures (please see helpful resources below), to practice proper hygiene, especially thorough hand-washing and monitor their health with extra precaution in response to this pandemic.
List of helpful website resources:
National: Public Health Agency of Canada website: Coronavirus disease: Outbreak update
Local: Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living: Coronavirus
International: World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Information Lines:
Government of Canada novel coronavirus: 1-833-784-4397
If you have COVID-19 symptoms in Manitoba, the local Public Health Authority line is: 1-888-315-9257 or 204-788-8200
All travellers are encouraged to reach out to individual airlines for current flight information.